Friday, April 20, 2018

Day 8: How to step into silence

Today is the start of a 3 day silent retreat.  

We still communicated but verbal exchanges were kept to a minimum.  We only talked about necessary things and then we retreated to our own inner spaces.

image from

To guide us in our inner journey, we had a class with Sister Jayanti, European and Middle East director of the Brahma Kumaris on how to retreat into silence.  

These are the stages of raja yoga meditation she identified.

1.  Initiation

“Letting the mind begin to flow in a pure direction.

She said that the mind is so used to running here and there.  It is important to prepare the self and steer the mind gently towards the direction of truth and goodness.

2.  Meditation

“Focusing on the awareness of the self and of God.“

In raja yoga meditation, we are taught that we are souls, children of God.  As such, goodness lies at the core of our being.  Meditation is the stage when we connect to the truth about ourselves and the Divine.  This is the point where we choose a specific theme to reflect on- love, peace, happiness, power or gratitude.  

3.  Yoga

This is the stage when one experiments with different images and truths each time.  Sister Jayanti said that this is important because the mind easily gets bored.

She elucidates, “For example we heard about the snake shedding the skin (in class).  In meditation, can I feel the skin dropping away and I the soul free from the skin?”

If I’ve been thinking and reflecting on different aspects of truth in yoga, my faith is becoming deeper and stronger because I’m validating all these things for myself.,  she adds.

image from

4.  Stillness

Having done all of these (other stages), then the mind is automatically in a state that is still- silent.  But it is a natural state that has been arrived at by using the energy of the mind in a right way.  It’s not empty.  It’s not passive.  It’s not happening just by chance.  It’s happening in a specific concerted effort.

Slowing down the speed of my thoughts, having more time between thoughts, so that the spaces between thoughts are longer, and between the thoughts and those spaces of silence- those experiences. 

In that space of complete stillness, I am.
I am a soul.
I am the pure soul.

There are no thoughts, but the fullness of the experience.

I am the embodiment of peace.
I am the embodiment of love.

Now, I’m not thinking about peace or love.
I’m experiencing my own original stage. 

Do you want to learn to meditate?  Please click this link to look for a center near you.  You may also opt to meditate online

P.S. Words in italic are quotes from Sister Jayanti.

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