Sunday, March 15, 2020

And the world falls away

I've been playing this song over and over in the last couple of months.

It calms me.  It reminds me to simply hold on to My One True Anchor and let the world fall away.

Since the start of the year, a lot of unexpected things happened.  At the moment, the city I'm in declared a state of calamity.  Many are worried and afraid.  

I cannot go with the world.  

People's heads are heavy with whys and what if's.  Their hearts are burdened with what-about-us and what-will-happen-now.  

I cannot blame them.

In a snap, the world as we know it has changed.  There is a pandemic and the world is put on a standstill.  Many are sick, some of us cannot work and most of us are ill-prepared for this calamity.

We have to adapt- right here right now.  It's hard.

So, I step away from the world from time to time.  

I meditate. 

I press the pause button in my mind and stop the charades of questions and speculations.  I tell my mind to be quiet so I can enter my inner space of calm.  Then, I connect to the Source of Peace. 

May I invite you, to do the same.  Turn off the news for awhile.  Log out from social media for an hour or so.  Stop the endless chatter in your head.

Go back to what anchors you.  It may be prayer, yoga, salah or even music.  Let the world fall away for at least a minute or two.  

I assure you, if you do this every single day you'll find your calm in the midst of the chaos.

Let the world fall away.

meditation by Release Your Wings