Sunday, March 15, 2020

And the world falls away

I've been playing this song over and over in the last couple of months.

It calms me.  It reminds me to simply hold on to My One True Anchor and let the world fall away.

Since the start of the year, a lot of unexpected things happened.  At the moment, the city I'm in declared a state of calamity.  Many are worried and afraid.  

I cannot go with the world.  

People's heads are heavy with whys and what if's.  Their hearts are burdened with what-about-us and what-will-happen-now.  

I cannot blame them.

In a snap, the world as we know it has changed.  There is a pandemic and the world is put on a standstill.  Many are sick, some of us cannot work and most of us are ill-prepared for this calamity.

We have to adapt- right here right now.  It's hard.

So, I step away from the world from time to time.  

I meditate. 

I press the pause button in my mind and stop the charades of questions and speculations.  I tell my mind to be quiet so I can enter my inner space of calm.  Then, I connect to the Source of Peace. 

May I invite you, to do the same.  Turn off the news for awhile.  Log out from social media for an hour or so.  Stop the endless chatter in your head.

Go back to what anchors you.  It may be prayer, yoga, salah or even music.  Let the world fall away for at least a minute or two.  

I assure you, if you do this every single day you'll find your calm in the midst of the chaos.

Let the world fall away.

meditation by Release Your Wings


Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Be careful what you wish for

Around this time last year, I wished for power. 

"Since I've mastered self-love (i thought), it's best if I can complement it with power.", I told myself.

So, I jotted down what power looks like for me:

  • making things happen
  • doing what I say I'll do
  • being on time
  • showing strength of character
  • being in command

I also listed my affirmations:
  • I am strong.
  • I make things happen.
  • I am disciplined.
  • I am powerful!

Then, I looked for role models and did the work:
  • I attended retreats and camps on leadership.  
  • I interviewed changemakers.
  • I rolled-up my sleeves and worked on projects (so I can practice making things happen).

I seriously pursued power like a hunter chasing a prey.  The quest was long and arduous though. 
  • I had to wait for what seems like forever.
  • I had to knock on so many doors and hear 9 NOs before I get to the 1 YES.  
  • I had to let go of something valuable to inch towards a short-term goal.
  • I had to face many naysayers.
  • I even have to fight enemies!

There were moments when:
  • I was at a lost.
  • I felt alone.
  • I didn't think I can do it.
  • I wanted to give up.
  • I was seething in anger.

My year was so intense, it felt as though I was in a war zone.

Yes, I was doing what I love but there were so many oppositions, sacrifices and difficulties.

I was hell-bent though.  I pulled out my inner arsenal of strength, determination and resilience.  It helped that I have a fierce army behind me, too.  Together, we triumphed.  

Life, The Universe, The Divine take you seriously when you commit- I learned.

I asked for power.  So, I was given challenges so I can experience my own power.  There was no magic wand which can conjure power with a simple abracadabra.  

image from
2019 taught me that:
  • I don't need to chase power.  I simply have to step into it.
  • I have to be worthy of it though like Thor with his hammer.
  • Like the superheroes, I can never really know powerful I am unless I face obstacles and villains.

So, as you make your wish for the new year, be careful.  More often that not, your heart's desire will not be handed to you on a silver platter.  You have to earn it!   

Monday, September 9, 2019

Mindsets by Sister Denise

“Pain is mandatory. Suffering is optional.”, shares Sister Denise in a talk in London.

I was watching some of her videos on Youtube and my head keeps on bobbing up and down.  “She is so right!”, I told myself.

Sister Denise is one of my favorite teachers in Brahma Kumaris.  She has a very clear understanding of spirituality and how to apply it in daily life.  I like listening to her classes because she challenges my take on things.

In this video for example, she talks about the art of managing one’s inner world.

“The world is at the moment full of pain producing events and we are in contact with the world. (And so, we can feel the pain.) It is good to acknowledge that yes I am in pain.

One secret is to say, “It is there and let me develop my power of endurance because I could deny it but that wouldn’t be truthful and that would make me weak.”

How do I deal with this situation that I really can’t get out of?

The secret is to develop the art of managing your inner world… This is who I am. This is what I stand for. This is what I’m not.”

In this other video she talks about conscience. 

“We don’t listen to the voice of conscience all the time.

They always tell you that it doesn’t cost you anything to do the right thing.  That’s actually not true.  If you want to do the right thing, it’s going to cost you.  That’s why people do the wrong thing cause it’s cheaper.

Going with your conscience (requires you) to stick your neck out and (then) someone will cut it.

(But) if you do some things against the voice of your conscience, your conscience will lose functionality.

We have quite a lot of deactivated conscience (nowadays). 

Following the voice of conscience is like trusting yourself.  And then you start to be the one who operates on the basis of an inner moral authority.

If you listen to voice of your conscience, you become very very clear and you also become independent.

Follow the voice of conscience.  Become right with yourself. 

You’re really claiming your personal freedom and a person who is free is responsible.  That’s a powerful person.

If you listen to yourself, follow your heart, follow your soul, you reacquire your power and you then become a leader, a role model."

She really makes you think, right?  I have good news.  She's in Manila right now and you can listen to her live!  

Please know that these events are FREE as service to the community. 

See you in these events! 

Please register here.

Please register here.

Thursday, July 11, 2019

How to deal with bullies

“You have to apologize to me.”, I demanded in a calm yet firm voice.

It wasn’t anything big really.

My friend was just accusing me of something I didn’t do for the nth time this week.  Most of the time, I would just let it go.  

There are battles I choose not to fight.  I’m working on changing the world (or so I thought ;) ), I don’t need to meddle with petty things, I often tell myself.  

But this time, I’ve had it.  And so, I pointed out her mistake matter-of-factly.  I wasn’t angry.  I was just standing up for myself.

photo from google images

The celebration

In my head, there’s a celebration.

“OMG!!! Good job, Karen!”

“Did you know that this is probably the first time you asked someone to apologize to you?! Woohoo!!!”

“I think you’re getting the hang of  being the strong one (I’m always Miss Zen or Miss Goody Two Shoes).”

I’m working on power this year, you see.  

I realized, some people (by that I mean bullies) treat me like a doormat or a milking cow if I’m too gentle, accepting and giving.  There’s always a need for balance.  Otherwise, people can abuse kindness. 

photo from google images

The thing with bullies 

I’ve always been strong (I think).  It’s just that I never really like arguing or hurting anyone (or any being for that matter- even insects and ants).  I’ve always been quiet and meek.

The thing with bullies is that they like to prey on the quiet and the meek.  It makes their insecure-self seem bigger than what it is.

And, I maybe quiet and meek but I love creating and making ideas come to life.  I also have so many interests at a given time.  Say for now, I like writing, volunteering, teaching, organizing events, creating workshops and retreats, facilitating workshops and retreats, creating a merchandise, interviewing people, meditating, doing yoga and being with friends and family. 

And it’s not just in my head, I’m actually engaged in many different things.  Over the years, I’ve learned how to prioritize and delegate.  So, I manage to live my life in a slow and somehow organized pace at the moment- even with many things on my plate.

I wasn’t calm or collected in my earlier years though.  I was all over the place.  I was like a clown juggling too many balls and making a fool of myself.  I was different and I would stick out like a sore thumb in a crowd. 

The thing with bullies is they also like to pick on the weird one. 

And so, I became a target of relentless jokes and pestering.  I was also not invited to the cool parties.     

I really don’t mind. 

They were merely joking around.  No harm done (or so  I thought).

Recently though, I met someone from my past.  We were talking about collaborating on a project.  I was explaining to her why I’m doing what I’m doing, when it just occurred to me that I was deeply hurt by the jokes and banters.  I realized that I was so hurt for feeling ostracized that I don’t want anybody to feel left out!  

So, thank you bullies!  If not for you, I wouldn’t have the drive I have.

photo from google images

Thank you, meditation

My other saving grace too, was meditation.
I wouldn’t learn to focus my hyperactive mind, without it.

I wouldn’t fully understand my true value.

I wouldn’t learn to stand up for myself.

I wouldn’t have the habit of reflecting and then working on self mastery.

So, thank you meditation!

                   Sister Jayanti shares why she started meditating  

If you want to try out if meditation can help you too,  I would like to invite you to this special event with leading psychiatrist, Dr. Rene Samaniego and European Director for Brahma Kumaris, BK Jayanti Kirplani.  

Please register here to get a ticket.    

By the way, this is a FREE service to the community.