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Sometimes, I'm ok
At other times, I'm not
Like a pendulum
I swing from one end to the other
I know I have to pack it up
It has happened
There's nothing I can do about it
The only sensible move is to learn from it
But, some angst still remain
It's like a small ball of fire
Stuck in my belly
I want to be rid of it
It does not help me
Move along my journey- at all
It is such a heavy burden
To carry
So, now, I decide
To face the red monster
"Be gone!"
"I will be free of you"
I understand it clearly
No one is to blame
Not even me
I don't know any better
It is good that it has surfaced
'Cause I discovered my triggers
and somehow understand myself better
Now, I can chase the monster away
I learned my feelings are valid
It is ok to acknowledge it
And express it
Yet, in the most diplomatic of manners
Right now, I still ache
It hurts still
But, I shall copy the oyster
And, use the pain to create a pearl
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