Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Traveling lightly

image from http://web.stanford.edu

Is a luxury I can't afford
In this lifetime, at least

Every single time I travel, I haul two luggages
One for my stuff and another for my food for journey

Call it the perks of being a strict vegetarian
I'm too sensitive to eat food cooked by other people too

So, I've said goodbye to eating out a long time ago
I'm just grateful my body still accepts coffee shop drinks

Carrying luggages around in between transits
Is never convenient

Even when I have ample time to go around another city
I would pass the chance

Well, simply going around the airport stores is tedious
It's hard to navigate around the aisles with all my stuff

Good thing that the same does not apply in life
I've learned to travel lightly with my mind

I don't need to carry the baggages of the past
Or the what-ifs of the future

I've been taught to erase the memories
Which no longer serve me well

Worrying never helps
It only makes my head dizzy and my heart heavy

I'm beginning to embrace the beauty of surrender
Of flowing with what is and accepting the higher plan for me

It doesn't mean that I lie down under the guava tree all day
Waiting for the fruit to drop

I do make effort as much as I can
But when all is said and done, I let go

And let God do the rest

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

I'm a doormat

image from https://c2.staticflickr.com

The hardest word for me to say is "no"
I have the makings of the perfect slave
I'll do anything the higher ups tell me
No questions asked

My healer says
"Your tolerance level is until the nth power"
I always retaliate with kindness
I know I can pass for a martyr

Recently, I discovered
Too much of something is bad enough
The Spice Girls have been singing that for decades
But I am not paying attention

Tolerance becomes cowardice
When it is out of proportion
I've always seen myself as courageous
I never say die

But all too often
I never stand up for myself
For the sake of harmony
"Dance with their sanskaras (nature)", I often say

There's a point though
When they're already stepping on my feet
Letting others do that over and over again
Will leave me with a broken leg

So, now I have resolved to fight
To be honest
I really don't know how to 
I always send flowers when someone hits me with arrows

I've been losing the battle though
It's time to change strategy
I'll put the armor on and ready my weapons
From now on, I will face