Monday, September 9, 2019

Mindsets by Sister Denise

“Pain is mandatory. Suffering is optional.”, shares Sister Denise in a talk in London.

I was watching some of her videos on Youtube and my head keeps on bobbing up and down.  “She is so right!”, I told myself.

Sister Denise is one of my favorite teachers in Brahma Kumaris.  She has a very clear understanding of spirituality and how to apply it in daily life.  I like listening to her classes because she challenges my take on things.

In this video for example, she talks about the art of managing one’s inner world.

“The world is at the moment full of pain producing events and we are in contact with the world. (And so, we can feel the pain.) It is good to acknowledge that yes I am in pain.

One secret is to say, “It is there and let me develop my power of endurance because I could deny it but that wouldn’t be truthful and that would make me weak.”

How do I deal with this situation that I really can’t get out of?

The secret is to develop the art of managing your inner world… This is who I am. This is what I stand for. This is what I’m not.”

In this other video she talks about conscience. 

“We don’t listen to the voice of conscience all the time.

They always tell you that it doesn’t cost you anything to do the right thing.  That’s actually not true.  If you want to do the right thing, it’s going to cost you.  That’s why people do the wrong thing cause it’s cheaper.

Going with your conscience (requires you) to stick your neck out and (then) someone will cut it.

(But) if you do some things against the voice of your conscience, your conscience will lose functionality.

We have quite a lot of deactivated conscience (nowadays). 

Following the voice of conscience is like trusting yourself.  And then you start to be the one who operates on the basis of an inner moral authority.

If you listen to voice of your conscience, you become very very clear and you also become independent.

Follow the voice of conscience.  Become right with yourself. 

You’re really claiming your personal freedom and a person who is free is responsible.  That’s a powerful person.

If you listen to yourself, follow your heart, follow your soul, you reacquire your power and you then become a leader, a role model."

She really makes you think, right?  I have good news.  She's in Manila right now and you can listen to her live!  

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